Monday, 17 October 2016

Data Update #1

1. What dataset will you use for your final report? 

The data set that I will be using for my final project is "Motor Vehicle Fatalities by Road User Type."
It can be found here.

2. Describe the dataset. What kind of data does it contain? 

This data set contains all the road users that were injured in a collision involving a motor vehicle on a public highway and died anytime within 30 days of the crash from their injuries in British Columbia from 1996 to 2014.  This data excludes all deaths that occurred on forest service roads, industrial roads and private driveways as well as fatal victims of off-road snow mobile accidents, homicides and suicides.

There are four categories in the data that include:

1. Cyclist
2. Motor Vehicle Driver
3. Other
4. Pedestrian
5. Motor Vehicle Passenger

3. Is there anything about your data that you don’t understand? (i.e. what a column heading means). How will you find this out? 

I'm not sure what the category of "other" stands for at the present time but should be able to look up what the "Motor Vehicle Act" constitutes it as.

4. What are some questions you hope to answer with your data? List at least three. (you don’t need the answers at this point)

Are the amount of deaths on public highways increasing or decreasing?  (Over the 18 years)
Is there a specific year that had more deaths than other years?  Why?
Which road users have more fatalities in British Columbia?